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In 2022, LeadingAge California was awarded over $25 million by the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to implement The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA, which will add 2,700 Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs) and Home Health Aides (HHAs) to the workforce pipeline through training and job placement. 

California has the largest number of older adults in the country, and it is projected an additional 275,000 direct care workers will be needed by 2026 to meet the growing population. Certified Nurse Assistants and Home Health Aides are a critical part of this workforce. In California, over 50% of CNAs work in nursing care facilities or community care facilities serving older adults. CNAs and HHAs play an essential role in these facilities and in home and community-based settings, often serving as the principal caregivers and having the most personal contact with residents than any other staff member or family member.

By providing training, wrap-around supports and incentives for career development for those entering or already in the field, The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA will make significant headway in turning the tides on the ongoing workforce shortage crisis pervading the health care workforce that supports older adults across the state. Read the press release here.

Please note that all wraparound support, continuing education, and retention incentives will no longer be available to graduate students after June 30, 2025, regardless of eligibility.

Meet the Staff

Please remember to include your full name and a subject line in your email to ensure prompt and accurate response.

All calls must be scheduled via the scheduling links below or by email request.

Be advised normal business hours are Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm PST. 

Northern/Central California = includes Monterey, Kern, Inyo, and above counties 

 Southern California = includes San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, and below counties

Not sure where your county falls? Consult this map!

Sina Tate
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA

Nicole Robinson
Project Manager, Northern California
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA
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Contact for Reimbursement Questions, School Concerns, Embodied Labs, and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Incentives.

(Do not contact for reimbursement status until 45 days past initial submission) 

Hailey Smith
Project Manager, Southern California
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA
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Contact for Reimbursement Questions, School Concerns, CNA State Exam Inquiries, and CNA State Exam Prep and Tutoring.

(Do not contact for reimbursement status until 45 days past initial submission) 

Amanda Vue
Outreach Coordinator, Northern California
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA
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Contact for Enrollment Questions (CNA & HHA) and Application Status 

Ashley Song
Outreach Coordinator,  Southern California
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA
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Contact for Enrollment Questions (CNA & HHA) and Application Status

Michaela Thompson
Placement Coordinator
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA
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Contact for Employment Help, Graduation Webinar and Employment Incentives

(Do not contact for employment incentive status until 45 days past initial submission) 

Sabrina Freeman
Digital Media Specialist
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA
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Contact for social media inquiries. 

All Staff
All Staff - General Inquiries
The Gateway-In Project© CNA & HHA
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Contact for general questions