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Our program is no longer accepting applications. If you're interested in a future program, please complete the interest form.

Wraparound Services

The Gateway-In Project©: CNA & HHA provides students with a valuable opportunity for financial support during their training journey. Each eligible student is entitled to receive up to $3,000 in reimbursement, assisting them in offsetting the costs associated with their program participation. This financial support is referred to as a "wraparound fund," aimed at easing the financial burden on students. Students have a 30-day window following their graduation to submit their reimbursement requests. Use the appropriate form link below to send in your reimbursement request upon graduation.

Please note that all wraparound support, continuing education, and retention incentives will no longer be available to graduate students after June 30, 2025, regardless of eligibility.


  • If you were employed on July 15, 2024, and eligible for the $500 one-year retention bonus, you would not be able to claim it because the grant funding ends on June 30, 2025.
  • If you took continuing education courses and were eligible for a $500 incentive but did not submit a reimbursement form by June 30, 2025, you will not be reimbursed, as funding will have ended.
  • If you completed a training course with a graduation date within 30 days of June 30, 2025, and did not submit your reimbursement form for your food stipend, mileage reimbursement, or school expenses by June 30, 2025, you will not be reimbursed.

Please note that these are just a few examples. If you have specific questions regarding reimbursements, please contact staff at

How do I get my reimbursement?

  • Throughout your training, keep track of all expenses and receipts.
  • Upon graduation, complete and submit the reimbursement request form (provided by your program coordinator) with all supporting receipts  – see this example on how to complete the reimbursement form.
  • Keep a look out for confirmation by email. We will send any updates or corrections needed via email.
  • You'll receive an email from Melio Services with instructions to create a secure account for direct deposit*. The Gateway-In Project© staff does not need or see your banking information. Please note that all submitted reimbursement forms go to The Gateway-In Project© Managers for processing.
  • Please allow 45 business days from the day of submission before reaching out to staff for updates.
  • After your Melio Services direct deposit account is set up and your request has been processed, you'll receive funds via direct deposit.

If you prefer a check, please contact The Gateway-In Project© staff upon submitting your reimbursement.

Please note that all wraparound support, continuing education, and retention incentives will no longer be available to graduate students after June 30, 2025, regardless of eligibility.

Northern/Central California = includes Monterey, Kern, Inyo, and above counties 

 Southern California = includes San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, and below counties

Not sure where your county falls? Consult this map!

Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement

All wraparound service items require receipts for reimbursement unless noted. Contact us if you have questions about wraparound services*.

*Updated as of November 4, 2024  

Please note that all wraparound support, continuing education, and retention incentives will no longer be available to graduate students after June 30, 2025, regardless of eligibility.


Receipt Requirements

Receipts are required for all purchases, excluding meals and personal vehicle mileage (please look at the Meals or Transportation tabs for more information) 

  • Paper Receipts
    • Must include itemized purchases
    • Must include method of payment
    • Must include date of purchase
    • Debit/credit transaction receipts that do not include items purchased will not be accepted
  • Online Receipts
    • Must include student name
    • Must include date of purchase
    • Must include itemized purchases
    • Must include method of payment
    • Must include anticipated delivery date or window
  • Uniforms: $200 total (max)
  • Shoes: Two (2) pairs, $100 each (max)
  • Secondhand watch: $50 (max)
  • Study tools, extra textbooks, pens, pencils, paper, etc.
  • State exam fee: Up to three (3) times, then the course will need to be taken again
  • CPR
  • Livescan
  • Physical
  • TB Test

(example here)


No receipts required for meals reimbursement. Claim for days attending class or clinicals only. Project Managers will complete this section of the form for students, students will no longer need to fill out this section. 

  • Up to three (3) meals a day based on start and end time.
  • Breakfast: $13 (max). Trip begins at or before 6 am - Breakfast may be claimed
  • Lunch: $15 (max). Trip begins at or before 11 am - Lunch may be claimed
  • Dinner: $26 (max). Trip begins at or before 5 pm - Dinner may be claimed

(example here)


Mileage (example here) - Use of personal vehicle.

  • GPS back up or Map directions required - this must show total distance by miles. For example must include location and address of each trip.  Location is defined as home, clinical site, school, etc.  Example: Use of directional map to get mileage. Enter your start and end location.
  • Eligible trips include to and from school, clinical, childcare, livescan, TB, testing site, CPR, vaccination sites, and interviews.

Ride shares (example here)

  • Receipts Required! Receipt must include to and from address, distance, itemized price breakdown, and method of payment
  • To and from: school, clinical, childcare, livescan, TB, testing site, CPR, vaccination sites, and interviews
  • Childcare must be provided by a certified childcare site. 
  • Must include agreement and receipt of payment with childcare provider as proof of services rendered/paid.
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN) required
  • Childcare from the start date of your training to your certification test date (max)
  • Reminder: The overall budget is $3,000 which means that if you have high childcare costs, there may not be any remaining funds for other expenses.

(example here)

Laptop Computer (CNA students only)

Any need for a laptop during training must be established during the CNA application interview.

  • Students must purchase their own laptop (max of $550).
  • Any laptop computer purchase MUST be approved by The Gateway-In Project© staff prior to purchase. 
  • If a graduate paid more than $550 for a laptop, The Gateway-In Project© will only reimburse up to $550. Receipts are required for reimbursement. 
  • To be eligible for reimbursement, laptop purchases must take place after conditional acceptance into The Gateway-In Project©. The deadline for purchasing a laptop and qualifying for reimbursement is within 2 weeks of the start of the training course. Any purchases made after this deadline will not be eligible for reimbursement.
Rent (CNA students only)
  • One (1) month of rent to support with financial hardship.
    For example: If the class is 7/16/23-9/16/23, The Gateway-In Project© will not pay three (3) months of rent, as CNA classes only last from 25- 30 days.
  • One (1) month of utilities such as gas, water, power, internet, and phone bills.
Students may need temporary stays, such as hotel/motel lodgings, to be near state tests or lab/skills training. 
  • Case-by-case exceptions may be made for students for The Gateway-In Project© staff to purchase lodging.
  • Must be approved by The Gateway-In Project© staff prior to purchase.
Internet and Phone

While we can reimburse for internet and phone charges, it must be only for the student.  Here are some guidelines: 

  • Receipts must include the itemized cost
  • Receipts must include the student's name
  • Receipts must include the student's address
  • Max reimbursement for phone service is for one (1) month (during training, not before or after training is complete)
  • Max reimbursement for internet service for one (1) month (during training, not before or after training is complete)
  • If the student is part of a family plan, they will only be reimbursed for their portion of the bill.